Facial convexity (Class II malocclusion)
Correct lower jaw retrusion for balanced occlusion.
Facial concavity (Class III malocclusion)
Correct lower jaw protrusion for balanced occlusion.
Mandibular deviation (Facial asymmetry)
Enhance facial symmetry and harmony.
An original clinical system developed by Professor Gang Shen to classify malocclusions based on patients' facial profiles. This system meticulously categorizes facial convexity, facial concavity, and mandibular deviation, providing a comprehensive understanding of various facial profile abnormalities with the skeletal elements. By identifying the pathological mechanisms behind these conditions, the classification allows for highly customized orthodontic treatment plans with clear orthopedic approaches that are tailored to each patient's unique mandible morphology and dental condition.
We utilize advanced digital modeling, combined with the expertise derived from the Shen Gang Facial Profile Classification, to guide the lower jaw into its optimal position. This approach not only enhances the teeth alignment but also contributes to improving the patient's facial profile.
Smartee Solution S8, S9, and S10 are specifically designed to work in harmony with this classification system, ensuring that each adjustment is both precise and effective.
The S8 is an integral part of clear mandibular repositioning technology, which includes the S8-SGTB and S8-SGHB structures. The S8-SGTB addresses Class II malocclusion cases with deep overbite, deep overjet, and a deep Curve of Spee, while the S8-SGHB resolves Class II malocclusion cases with deep overjet, shallow overbite, and a shallow Curve of Spee.
To create a vertical space for deep overbite, stablize mandibular position, intrude lower anterior teeth and level the Curve of Spee. It is more secure and efficient than the bite plate placed on individual teeth.
Suitable for mandibular deviation & facial concavity cases.
Maintaining the mandibular position after treatment and preventing relapse of mandibular displacement.